Hello everyone!
There’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel. This week, the Prime Minister has announced that international border restrictions will be lifted from November. But don’t buy your travel tickets just yet!
Border Restrictions
Yes! The first step towards the normalisation of international travel to Australia has been taken. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced that the travel restrictions to international travellers will be lifted from November, at least a month ahead of schedule!
But… (there’s always a but) international students and skilled migrants will have to wait a little bit longer, as this first phase will only be available to Australian citizens and permanent residents. Yet, it is a good indication of what it is going to be required to enter Australia, as the government may maintain the same rules that are being applied for Australian citizens or permanent residents, such as:
- The new rules for international travellers will apply only to Australian citizens or permanent residents who have been double vaccinated.
- The only vaccines accepted will be those already available in Australia (Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna), and also Sinovac and Covid Shield, widely used in Asia.
- Only states who have reached the 80% double vaccination target will be able to receive international travellers.
- There will be a 7-day home quarantine requirement for Australian citizens and permanent residents who have been double vaccinated with an approved vaccine.
The Prime Minister has already flagged that the next step will be to also allow skilled migrants and international students. Stay tuned for the next chapters!
The Return of International Students to NSW
Despite the above, New South Wales has already started a pilot program for the return of international students to the state. There will be a limit of 250 international students each fortnight from early December, and all of them will need to have been fully vaccinated with an approved vaccine.
International students participating in the program will need to be invited by their education provider, who are more likely to invite those students who had already started the course and became stranded overseas when the borders closed. They will have to quarantine for 14 days at student accommodation in Sydney upon arrival.
Offshore Applications in South Australia
If you’re not an Australian citizen, a permanent resident nor an international student who has been invited by your education provider to participate in the pilot program of NSW, we may still have good news for you! South Australia has announced that they will start considering applications from 70 occupations, even if the applicant is outside of Australia. Of course, they will only invite the best and brightest: applicants will need to have 8 years of experience in their occupation and also show a level of ‘Proficient Plus’ English (7.5 on each band of IELTS, or 73 on PTE).
The list? Here it is: https://www.migration.sa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-09/70-offshore-occupations.pdf
This week, we did a live about the topic with our Registered Migration Agents Nia Lopes and Alexandra Cacenote (in Portuguese).
Watch it on the link: https://bit.ly/LiveOffshoreApplicationsSA
This newsletter was delayed because we were waiting for the new Skilled Migration List of Queensland, which had been announced to be published in September. As the only state which hasn’t yet published its list and requirements for this new financial year, we were hoping to finally give good news to anyone intending to migrate through Queensland. We are now in October, and Queensland has now announced that… the program has been delayed, and they are unable to provide an opening date. Nice, Queensland 🙄New South Wales again…
The submission window for the 491 in NSW is open again! If you meet one of the 3 Streams of the program (refer to our Newsletter ed. 15), you are encouraged to submit your Registration of Interest (ROI) until the end of October. Please remember that the state is giving high priority to Stream 1!!
See you next time!
Existe ainda uma possibilidade para mim e minha familia para imigrar para Australia? Casal, com dois filhos menores de idade. Marido Dentista, mestrado, esposa, professora, mestrado. Nível intermediario de ingles.
Olá Berthalo, obrigada por sua mensagem.
Nossa recomendação é que agende uma consulta com um dos nossos agentes para avaliar sua elegibilidade.
Seven Migration team
Como faço para conversar com um consultor de vocês?
Olá Adriana, tudo bem?
Obrigada por sua mensagem.
Todas as consultas são agendadas pelo nosso website. Para marcar um atendimento com um dos nossos agentes, por favor, acesse: https://bit.ly/BookConsultationInfo
Qualquer dúvida, estamos à disposição através do email info@sevenmigration.com.au
Seven Migration team