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Migration Newsletter – Edition 19

Hello everyone!

The last wall is down!!

WA is finally open to the world, and now any vaccinated traveler is welcome to any state in Australia. What are you waiting for?

WA Borders Open

On 03 March, WA has finally opened for vaccinated international travellers without the need for travel exemptions or quarantine. I experienced this new phase in first-hand, as I was overseas and travelled back to WA on the first day of the new border arrangements. I entered the state without major issues, having only to:

If WA is not your destination in Australia, all the above still applies to you with the exception of the G2G pass. Getting everything in order was quite overwhelming, but we cannot complain as at least borders are open, right?

408 COVID-19 visa for all

In a desperate move to fill staff shortages in Australia, the Government has made visa 408 (COVID-19 stream) available for all temporary visa holders working in ANY sector of the economy. This, in addition to the relief of the work limitations of student visas, training visas and working holiday visa holders, makes practically every visa holder with work rights eligible for unlimited hours. 

Those who are working or have an offer to work in a critical sector will be granted the visa for 12 months, while those who are working in any other sector will be given a 6-month visa. Don’t forget that, in order to be eligible for the 408 covid-19 visa, your current visa must be about to expire in the next 90 days. 

It does sound wonderful, but PLEASE use this visa wisely, for example to gain experience in a skilled occupation so you can apply for a permanent visa later on. After all, when the Covid-19 is a thing of the past and these facilities are no longer available, Australia may not want you if you’re not qualified for the country’s long-term work demand.

DAMA South Australia

And to finalise the array of good news, the DAMA in South Australia keeps getting better! Now, even those who have always worked in hospitality but never specialised in any skilled occupation (such as cook, chef or restaurant manager) will have great opportunities in South Australia, with the inclusion of the occupation of “Hospitality Worker”!

What are the requirements? Only 2 years relevant overseas experience or 1 year relevant Australian experience within the last 3 years, on a part-time basis. Sounds easy? It definitely is, all you need now is a hospitality venue to sponsor you.

There are many low-skilled options outside of hospitality as well, for example: Civil Construction Tradeworker, Log Truck Driver, Fishing Hand, Outdoor Adventure Guide, not to mention the ones that were already previously available, such as aged carer, child care worker etc. Have you considered South Australia?

See you there!

3 thoughts on “Migration Newsletter – Edition 19”

  1. Hey there, how are you guys doing?! So do you have any idea for how long they will keep this ideas like the covid visa? Is it possible to know? How long it would take for me to get the documents ready to go?

  2. Gostaria de saber mais sobre vistos. Sou advogada e tenho 57 anos. Será que tem alguma oportunidade para mim, na Austrália? Desde já agradeço e aguardo resposta.

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